Camera Obscura Designs


Bespoke design studio, ranging from branding design, digital illustrations, to printing and physical elaboration of your company’s brand identity, let’s manifest your thoughts…

We are an active team with +20 years of experience in the industry.

Good work takes time.

We believe in professional ethics, based on these, we dedicate our precious time to our client’s work

Usually ranging from 2 to 3 weeks of delivery, depending on how intricated the project is.

Our Values

50 / 50 Plan

In Camera Obscura Designs, we pride ourselves by offering the best quality service we can offer, this is why we always implement the “50/50” Plan, which is based upon asking for our customers an upfront advance of 50% of the service cost before the design process starts, and then asking for the remaining 50% of the service discussed before delivering the final Artwork or service provided.

Quality over Speed

With +20 years of experience in the field, we know how important each task is taken care of, this is why we pride ourselves in delivering the best service possible to our precious customers , always available for dialogue on every step of the way.